020 3488 3181 info@mkand.co

CIS Construction Industry Scheme

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) was brought in by HMRC to help minimise evasion in the industry and to protect construction workers. The scheme works by contractors deducting a sum of money from their subcontractor’s pay in order to pay towards their tax and National Insurance contributions.


Whether you are a contractor or subcontractor we can help you navigate the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). If you are a contractor we can help you determine how much CIS to deduct, and also help you with the CIS statements you are required to provide to your subcontractors. If you are a subcontractor we can help you with using these statements in your tax return to reduce your liability to HMRC, and possibly arriving at a tax refund. Furthermore, if you are VAT registered we can also be of assistance as there will be some variations in using the scheme.
